
Something new.

Monday 23 January 2017

Well, It is a new year and a same me. 

And I’m glad because that give me a lot to work for this year. Oh. 
 I’m Rose. 
Ok nope, that is a lie. I’m not actually Rose. But I feel like we all need a bit of privacy when putting stuff up on the internet so for this blog I am Rose. I’m 18 years old. No really. Look at this mug.

I’m not lying.
I’ve also just started my first year at uni. You’re probably thinking ‘Rose shouldn’t you be revising or partying?’ And my answer is yes. That’s exactly what I should be doing but when you get to know me, you’ll know why.
The thing is, this year is the year I change and stop being more me and start being more who I want to be. You know what I mean? Of course, you do! It’s called a new year’s resolution.

So here is a list of seven things that I’m going to change about me. (Number two will shock you) Ok, I’m kidding I just thought I’d try a little bit of scroll bait.

1)The way I write

I’ve had lots of blogs before and they started off as a way to vent and sometimes that’s a good thing because well, it’s great to vent. But then I couldn’t look at the blog without feeling a little bit sad for myself. And then I’d spend the next few hours wallowing in self-pity and that’s not fun at all

2)The content, it’s all about me.

In my last blog, It was just all about me. And again, I treated it as a diary yet, in fact, I wanted it to be let’s say more of a scrapbook.
3) Be less anonymous
A great start of course because I just told you my name is Rose yet it’s not, in fact, Rose but I wanted to be less anonymous. But I will try and open up more.Lets start with an awkward picture of thy self.

4)Make new blogger friends
I did make blogger friends and then lost them when I stopped blogging and this time, It’s not happening (Comment down below, be my friend(Ok that sound really creepy but I meant it in the less creepy way of course!))

My challenge this year is to blog for at least once a month for a year. It’s gonna be tough but I’m a survivor I’m gonna make it, I will survive keep on surviving
Did I just end on a Destinies Child song?

Yes, I did.
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