
Storytime// KFC & other first world problems

Friday 17 March 2017

I was on holiday with my family in Dublin. It’s was my first time and it was a short weekend break kind of holiday and I was excited!
We arrived at our Airbnb on Friday and the next day, we went straight into the town centre for breakfast. We had to decide between the burrito shop and KFC.
We had a voted KFC because CHICKEN.
We entered the store and there was just us and another family so I thought it was safe enough to leave my phone and bag on the table. I didn’t really have anything valuable in my bag except my phone and even that wasn’t valuable it was one of those cheap Chinese phones from the internet so I figured it’d be safe.
I went to the till and ordered my meal, returned to our table and
I thought maybe left it at the till but, no. Then I thought my brother was playing some sort of prank on me and I wish he was.
I got my mum to call my phone then I remember that it's on silent. She called anyway and it wasn’t going through.
And that’s when I realised that it was stolen. I was upset but I didn’t even cry. I just. Let it go.
And my family were wondering why the hell I wasn’t acting upset at all.
That’s when I realised that I have no heart.
Two days later I ordered a new phone and I was a proud owner of an iPhone so I’d like to thank the thief for stealing my phone in KFC because I now have a better phone and I’m eating more healthily because I don’t go to KFC anymore.
Other than that, the trip was pretty good!
So I guess good things happen for a reason.
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